Krishnam Raju Birthday photos

Krishnam Raju with media, fans and relatives


Uppalapati Venkata Krishnam Raju born at Mogaltur village in West Godavari district of A P on 20th of January 1940. He entered the film world as a hero through the film Chilaka Gorinka (1966) directed by K Prathyagathma. Krishna Kumari was the Heroine in this film. Then he played anti hero role in the film Nenante Nene in which Krishna was hero. Then on he settled in Tollywood as a leading hero. He floated his own production house Gopi krishna Movies with his brother U Suryanarayana Raju as Producer. Suryanarayana Raju’s son Prabhas is one of the leading actors of  Tollywood. His first film as producer is Bhaktha Kannappa directed by Babu which was a box-office hit.

Today Krishnam Raju is completing  72 years.

Today, it’s Rebel Star Krishnam Raju‘s 72nd birthday. On account of his birthday, Team Business of Tollywood is greeting the Rebel  Star personally with a flower bouquet.

Business of conveys its birthday greetings to this Rebel Star of Telugu Cinema.