Happy Birthday Adah Sharma

Young tallanted actress Adah Sharma born on 11th May 1989 in Palakkad,Kerala.

Today is Adah Sharma’s birthday,and is completing 31 years.

Businessoftollywood.com extends its birthday greetings to this young actress and wish her a bright future in Tollywood.

Adah Sharma was introduced to Silver screen in the year with Bollywood movie ‘1920’directed by Vikram Bhatt released in the year 2008.After acting in 2 more Hindi movies she came to Tollywood.She was introduced to Telugu cinema by director Puri Jagannadh through the movie ‘Heart Attack’ with Nitin as hero released in 2014.

List of Adah Sharma’s Telugu Movies:-

1. Heart Attack(2014)

2. S/o.Sathyamurthy(2015)

3. Subramanyam for Sale(2015)

4. Garam(2016)

5. Kshanam(2016)

6. Kalki(2019)