Rashmika Mandana Birthday Today

Young actress Rashmika Mandanna born on 5th April 1996 in Virajpet in Karnataka.

Today is her birthday.

She is completing 26 years.

Businessoftollywood.com extends its birthday greetings to this rising star in Tollywood. B O T wish her a bright filmy career.

She is a  popular Kannada actress who made her entry in to Tollywood with the movie Chalo. She established her position in Tollywood with the movie Geetha Govindam

List oif Telugu novies of Rashmika:-

  1. Chalo(2018)
  2. Geetha Govindam(2018)
  3. Devdas(2018)
  4. Dear Comrade(2019)
  5. Sarileru Neekevvaru(2020)
  6. Bheeshma(2020)
  7. Pogaru(2021)
  8. Sulthan(2021)
  9. Pushpa – The Rise(2021)
  10. Aaadavaallu Meeku Joharlu(2022)

Her upcoming movie is Pushpa – The Rule with Allu Arjun as hero.