Evol Movie Movie In to Post Production Process

Surya Srinivas, Siva Bodduraju and Jennifer Emmanuel are acting in the film Evol. (EVOL) a love story in reverse Ram yogi Velagapudi is making this movie as director and producer. Presented by Theda Batch Cinema, the film is being made under the banner of Nakshatra Film Labs and is in post-production.

Director-producer Ram yogi said, This is a story about the understanding between two friends. It will be a crime thriller with different genre elements and commercial values With suspense. We have conducted a search in the surrounding areas of Hyderabad and Vizag. All the artists cooperated well. It will go to the censor after completing the postproduction programs. We will release the first look and teaser soon. This is the directors first attempt as a producer, he said.

Crew :

Music Director: Sunil Kashyap,
Camera: Theda Batch Film Team
Editor: Vijay,
Choreographer: Jinna
Story-Screenplay-Lyrics-Producer-Director: Ram Yogi Velagapudi