V V Vinayak Birthday Today

V V Vinayak born in Gudivada town in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh on 9th October 1974.

V V Vinayak is one of the top directors of Tollywood.

Today is his birthday. Vinayak is completing 46 years.

On this happy occasion businessoftollywood.com extends its Birthday Greetings to this popular director expecting many more masterpieces under his direction.

He has ventured with ‘Aadi’, his first film as director with Junior N T R as hero.

His success rate is very high.

The film Dil directed by vinayak made Mr.V.Venkata Ramana Reddy as a popular Producer and with this film he has been called as Dil Raju.

Tagore with Chiranjeevi as hero is one of the best films of this director.

Chenna kesava reddy with Bala Krishna as hero, Bunny with Allu Arjun as Hero, Lakshmi with Victory Venkatesh as hero were Vinayak’s Super duper hits.

Vinayak introduced Bellamkonda Suresh’s son Sai Srinvas to Tollywood through the movie ‘Alludu Srinu’ which had a big success at box-office.

He has directed the debut movie of Akhil Akkineneni titled ‘Akhil'(2015).The movie could not fare well at the box-office.

Nandi Award 2002 for the movie adi,the first movie for V V Vinayak as director.

Bhadrinath was an average movie.

List of V V Vinayak directed films

1.Aadi (2002)

2.Chennakesava Reddy(2002)





7.Lakshmi (2006)





12.Nayak (2013)

13.Alludu Srinu(2014)


15.Khaidi No.150(2017)
