3G Love

Title: 3G Love

Banner: Squre India Group

Release Date: 15-3-2013

Cast: Siddharta, Debira

Direction:   Govardhan Krishna

Movie Rating : 2/5

3G love, a low budget movie with multiple lead actors and actresses is completely aimed at the adolescent age group. With a new storyline, new faces, this movie can be considered as a one time watch.

The movie is about a battle between genders, as to who is right and why. It starts off with a few girls from a hostel discussing their love life, fantasies, proposals, romance, break ups and insecurities.  Durga, the only single girl in the group tries to influence the rest, that all men choose to be relationships for wrong reasons and are not worth trusting . On a debate whether to trust the person they love or not, all the hostel girls decide to call their boy friends to test their sincerity. The group of boys feeling insulted with the challenge, get into an argument as to whose mistake it is and who is to blame for all the break ups. The rest is about how each couple realize their love and get back with the other. The movie made an attempt to reflect on the small misunderstandings between lovers and how one person for a lifetime is the route to happiness. Trying to showcase an adolescent love life the movie has an element of romance.

The movie has been a great opportunity for all the new actors involved in it to showcase their talent. There was no clear lead role defined and gave scope for everyone equally. As new comers everyone played their part and there was no clear leader or an exceptional performance.

In a relationship? struggling with trust & insecurity? A couple date to this movie could help resolve it.