Game On Movie Trailer Review

The trailer for “Game On” gives us a thrilling glimpse into a suspenseful movie about a real-time game, building excitement before its big-screen debut. Geetanand, known for his acting skills in other movies, stars in the lead role alongside Neha Solanki and Madhoo shah also known as Madhoobala, directed by Dayanandh, who made the popular “Boys” movie in 2021.

Game On Movie poster

Game On Movie poster

Directed by Dayanandh, “Game On” tells a captivating story, hinting at a psychological game that tangles the lives of its characters. As the trailer unfolds, we see the main character’s journey, driven by a desire to win the real-time game, which brings challenges and uncovers old secrets.

Produced by Katuri Creations and Golden Wings Productions, “Game On” promises an exciting movie experience. With music by Abishek AR and cinematography by Aravind Vishwanathan, the film looks visually good. Set to hit theaters on 02-02-2024, with Ravi Kasturi producing, “Game On” is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its thrilling story.