Hum Tum movie cleared by censorsHum Tum movie cleared by censors

Maneesh, Simran starer movie ‘Hum Tum’ has been cleared by Censors with U/A certificate. Ram Bimana is the director. Nikhil Chakravarthi, Aiswarya, Dharmavarapu Subramanyam, M S Narayana, AVS, Nagineedu, Melkote,Surya, Allari Subhashini, Kondavalasa, Sana, Ramya,Shilpa Chakravarthi, Nandini, Sunny in support cast.Music by Mahathi. Story by Apple Studios. Cinematography by G Siva Kumar. Story, screen-play, direction by Ram Bimana. M Sivarami Reddy is the producer on Apple Studios Banner. The unit is planning for a big release in the last week of December.