Marthand K Shankar, a Director by profession, made his debut in industry from the movie “EvarainaEpudaina” in 2010.

Our Conversation begins here.

Let us know about you?

I was born and brought up in Chennai. My father K.M.Marthand was a well-known Editor in industry. Due to his health problems he left the job and my elder brother replaced him.  In 1994 my family got shifted to Hyderabad and after completing my BA in Chennai I came to Hyderabad in 1995. Here I joined in NIT to pursue computer courses.

What made you to choose in Film Direction?

Same like others I was also inspired by the directors Maniratnam and RGV at that time. I was interested in Film Direction. After knowing about my interest in Direction,one of my brother’s friend Prasad suggested me to work under Jayanth c Paranji. Jayanth C Paranjiwas working as a TV serials director.

I finally joined withJayanth C Paranji, and under him I worked in TV programs like “Santoor top -10”. MeanwhileJayanth C Paranji got a project from Suresh production. He included me in the project and gave me the first opportunity to work in Tollywood.

Did you learn any course in Film Direction from any institute?

Basically, I don’t think that any kind of course is required to learn direction. You must be passionate about it from the starting. From teenage itself, I was interested in direction. While working withJayanth C Paranji I learned many things through his special guidance.

Can you share your experience for your debut movie “EvarainaEpudaina”?

It was a good experience for me as a debut director. Being a debut director you may come across problems but I didn’t face any difficulties while shooting for the movie, as I was experienced about the work. As a director you must learn from the mistakes and should avoid them next time. So am doing the same. Other than this it was a good project for me.

How was the experience working with AVM?

AVM has a very good reputation in the market. Doing movie with AVM is a proud feeling. I approached AVM with my story and they liked it. After long time they were working in Tollywood industry. It was my best experience to work under this banner.

Whom do you look up to as a director?

I was mainly inspired by Ram GopalVarma and Maniratnam. I also like PeddaVamsi sir; the way they present the characters seems to be realistic. Trivikram presents the situations on the screens very well. I also like karunakra. These people doesn’t includes heavy subject in the movie. On small topic or small issues they present the complete movies

Which are your favorite movies?

Shiva, Gettanjali,Nayakudu,Hrudayam (Tamil), DilwaleDhulaniya Le Jayenge (Hindi). This all movies are my favorite.

What are your upcoming projects?

I am ready with 2 stories and looking forward to direct them with big celebrities. Right now amplanning to direct big budget movies, which will have action with entertainment. If everything goes on well I will be starting the shooting work very soon.

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